Sunday, September 11, 2011

6 GREAT Wedding Day Tips

Six Tips For A Worry-Free Wedding

Some really good tips for your wedding day by: Karen Sullen of My Wedding Favors

From getting everyone to the church on time to making sure the centerpieces look stunning, planning the details of your wedding day can be stressful. Use these tips for a worry-free wedding day.

Details, details, details! From the perfect menu to the beautiful centerpieces, there are so many details to take care of when planning your dream wedding. But what happens when your perfect wedding is not so perfect? Let’s face it. There are plenty of opportunities for things to go awry. Even with the best-laid plans, things are bound to happen. But don’t worry. Here are some tips to help you panic-proof your wedding.

1. Don’t make any verbal agreements. Have everything in writing. Be specific about the items you want AND the things you don’t want. For example, if you don’t want to see a lot of posed pictures in your wedding photo album, it’s best to be specific about that and request more candid photos.

2. On the day of the wedding, bring along a survival kit for those little emergencies. Include a needle and thread, aspirin, safety pins, nail polish, hairpins, extra pantyhose and some hard candy or breath mints.

3. Do a test run. Practice driving the route to the ceremony at the time of day and day of week of your wedding. Check out traffic patterns, construction delays, etc. That way you’ll minimize surprises and will know how much time you’ll need to get to there.

4. Call all your wedding vendors and verify your bookings two or three days before the wedding. Confirm the time, date, location of the wedding and reception, directions to the sites and the services or items they'll be providing. A good way to know you are both on the same page is to have them read back the instructions from their notes.

5. Assign someone to take care of the last minute details, such as helping the bridal party get dressed, running errands to the store, etc. Provide her with the contact numbers for all of the vendors, just in case someone is running late.

6. Don’t wait until the last minute for anything. If possible, take care of as many details well in advance of the wedding. The night before the wedding is not the time to put together 200 wedding favors. Limit yourself to just a few small tasks and leave the rest of the day to relax.

What’s the best wedding day stress reliever? Realizing that, while you will have a wonderful day, a beautiful day or even a memorable day, it will most likely not be a perfect day. Try not to make a big deal about things and take it all in stride. Sometimes, it’s the quirky things that go wrong that help make your day memorable. Stressing over every detail can take the joy out of the wedding and the planning process. The most important thing to remember is that you are marrying the man of your dreams, and at the end of the day, that’s all that really matters.
