Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tips for the ENCORE Bride!

A good article and info from Jean Neuhart of Weddings From The Heart

Yes, You Can – Tips for the Encore Bride

If you are like many brides, this may not be your first wedding. So you’re probably wondering "what am I allowed to have at my wedding?" Guess what? There’s good news. You can have your wedding any way you want! This day is for you and your fiancĂ© and the celebration of the love you have for each other. Don’t let anything in the past put a damper on the excitement of this new and wonderful relationship you share, or get in the way of having the celebration you really want.

With the minor exception of two things - a veil and orange blossoms, which both symbolize virginity - there is nothing you should avoid having at your wedding. Yes, you can wear white - it is the color of celebration. Your bridal party can be as large or as small as you want. You can register for gifts. If your attendants or someone else wants to throw a bridal shower for you, let them. You can also have a bachelorette party.

Think about your previous wedding for a moment, and consider the following:
Do you want to do everything in a new way?
Did you feel overwhelmed by the size of your last ceremony?
Did the style of your first wedding reflect your tastes, regardless of its outcome?
Do you want to find a special role for your children?
Are you still close to your in-laws, ex-spouse?
Would you feel more comfortable with a civil ceremony?

Honestly answering these questions can help guide you in your wedding planning.

Don’t concern yourself with any party-poopers who are wondering why in the world you’re planning a wedding anyway. The love and commitment you and your fiancĂ© have for each other deserves celebrating. Why not shout it from the roof tops with a dream wedding? And if they don’t get it, then that’s their problem, not yours.

Most of all, celebrate your love and have fun.

by Jean Neuhart
Weddings From The Heart


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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Best Man's Speech 101

Some great advice from Reagan Blaclpool:

We've all been there. The wedding is going smoothly and the bar is now open, the guests settle into the reception the MC announces a few toasts before dinner. The Best man gets up to speak and nervously announces he didnt prepare anything after knowing the groom for so long, & he was going to just "wing it". Uh-oh! While once in a while a best man will come off funnier than a Adam Sandler movie, usually the speech will make everyone stampede to the bar to try to forget what they just heard. From talking about sexual exploits with past girlfriends, to letting everyone know he has never been one to "settle down",..lots of things remain best unsaid. A speech with some humor, a good story or two, and positives about the bride & couple make the toast a winner.

A best man's speech can make or break a wedding receptions atmosphere, & by using some "Best Man Speech 101" tips you can make sure your toast is remembered for all the right reasons

A wedding is certainly a nerve racking day for the couple of the day, but the nerves also extend to the best man who has the difficult job of coming up with a memorable speech at the reception.

The main problem people have with their speech is that they overcomplicate things and make things harder for themselves. A good best man's speech should be short and snappy - more than five minutes and people's thought start to wander, longer than seven and people start to get bored. While brevity is important, it's good to use two minutes as your minimum marker.

Confidence is key to delivering a good speech so try to get it written and ready a good while before the day and practise as much as you can. The better you know the key points of your speech, the more relaxed you will be and, remember, the groom chose you to be best man so be yourself.

A good best man's speech includes jokes (good jokes, not dirty ones), a story or two about the couple (how they met, how happy they are together - stories that are appropriate for all ages), a thank you to all who made the wedding possible (such as whoever paid for the event) and, finally, a toast to a successful future.

You should try to make your stories balanced between the bride and the groom, but as you are the groom's best man you may not know the bride as well. In this case, it's always good to talk about the groom's feeling for the bride. This is generally the time to act as a salesman, talking up your friend to the bride's family who may not know the groom - what you tell them may help to form their first impression.

It is always best to err on the side of caution with your speech - being boring or soppy is a lot better than being offensive. Telling dirty jokes or speaking about the groom's ex-girlfriend may get a few laughs from your mates, but the bride's parents and elderly relatives may not be amused, and if it's you that's blamed for ruining the wedding with your inappropriate speech it's more likely to be you than the wedding insurance providers who ends up shelling out compensation.

So follow these tips and help make the wedding a memorable celebration for your best friend.

Reagan Blackpool


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